winds of (r)evolution


You have a sense of some new life is breaking through, don’t you?  A lot of change.

Matt says it best when describing his newest painting which is also the cover of our book:  “I’m quite certain that I am not alone in believing we are on the cusp of radical change. Whether it’s personal, professional, and spiritual transformation or reconciliation with global and social issues, we are sensing a shift in the direction and intensity of the wind. May our individual and collective changes be rooted in love and universal truths, and may we share the ultimate goal of greater unity.”

Matthew Klooster and Brian Shircliff met in 1998, lost touch for decades, and reconnected through the wonders of Facebook.  They were surprised to discover that they had been playing with similar ideas in their creativity for quite a few years…Matthew through his paintings, Brian through his poems.

winds of (r)evolution is an invitation to wonder together about what is being born among us in the 21st century…more than 50 pages of paintings and words to invite curiosity, wonder, wisdom, and a cleansing breath.

A portion of the sales of this book will be donated to VITALITY to grow more gardens/healthy food, more holistic circles, and more friendship in our Cincinnati & N. Kentucky region and all over Earth.

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